Disco 迪斯科
Elysium 极乐世界
Archetype : the most typical or perfect example of a particular kind of person or thing 典型
Very bad with people 非常不擅于交际
Come up with original idea 提出新颖的意见
Encyclopedia 百科全书
Sensitive : aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings 善解人意的;体恤的;体贴的
Intelligent Psychological Physical 对比记忆
Magnetic : 1.(对物)磁性的; 2.(对人)有魅力的。
Unstable 不稳定的
Interact v. 互动
Dumb : 1.temporarily(临时地)not speaking or refusing to speak 一是说不出话的;不肯开口说话的
*we were all stuck dumb with amazement. 我们都惊讶得说不出话来。
*we sat there in dumb silence.我们坐在那里,默然无语。
2.stupid 愚蠢的;傻的;笨的
Coordination n. 协作;协调;配合;协调动作的能力
Goddess 女神
Fury : 狂怒,暴怒
The furies :(in ancient Greek stories) three goddesses who punish people for their crimes (古希腊神话)复仇三女神
Goddess 女神
Drown (使)淹死,溺死
Reptile n. 爬行动物
Reptilian adj. : *our reptilian ancestors 我们的爬行动物祖先
Primordial : 1.exsiting at or from the beginning of the world 原生的;原始的
2.(of a feeling or desire 感受或欲望)very basic 基本的
*primordial impulses 本能的冲动
Impulse : 1. ~(to do sth.) a sudden strong wish or need to do sth, without stopping to think about the results 冲动;心血来潮;一时的念头
2.(technical 术语) a force or movement of energy that causes sth else to react 脉冲;冲击;冲量 *nerve/electrical impulses 神经冲动;电路冲动
Conscience n.良心;良知
Conscious adj.意识到;有意识的
Consciousness n.意识;知觉
Ferment : v. to experience a chemical change because of yeast or bacteria ,often changing sugar to alcohol; to make sth change in this way (使)发酵
Grain n. 谷物--> a grain of 一粒
Malt n. 麦芽
Inordinate adj. Far more than is usual or expected 过度的;过分的;超乎预料的
Utter adj. 完全的;十足的;彻底的 --> utterly adv.
Void of sth. : completely lacking sth 缺乏;没有
Wives-->wife 妻子 -->ex-wife 前妻
Gimme == give me
What was that about the "ex-" something?那个旧什么的是个什么东西?
Creep up on sb. :
1.to move slowly nearer to sb, usually from behind, without being seen or heard
2.to begin to affect sb, especially before they realize it
Dead angle 死角
Soak v. 浸泡
Lurid adj. 1.俗艳的;花哨的 2.(故意地)骇人听闻的,令人毛骨悚然的
Acidic adj. 酸性的
Sauce n. 调味剂,酱
Bloated adj. full of liquid or gas and therefore bigger than normal, in a way that is unpleasant 膨胀的;肿胀的;臃肿的
*a bloated body floating in the canal 沟渠里一具发胀的浮尸(figurative)
Figurative adj. 比喻的
Plunge v. 突然前冲或下落
Fathom v. ~sb/sth (out) to understand or find an explanation for sth 理解;彻底了解;弄清真相 -->fathomless adj.